Wednesday 26 August 2009

Wednesday 26th

Gym before work again today - third day in a row! Go me!

Cross Trainer: 1-minute sprint intervals, 8 minutes at level 5
Stepper: interval program, 10 minutes at level 6

Stability ball crunches with arms up x 12
Stability ball plank/toe tap x 12
3 sets

I was expecting to be sore after yesterday, but I wasn't. My legs felt pretty heavy though, and the cross trainer was really tough this morning!
I've been relying on this cardio workout for a while now, I need to change it up a bit. I should probably vary my ab workouts a bit more as well, but it's hard to engage the imagination before 7am!

I did some yoga when I got home this evening, but not really enough that you could count it as an exercise session. I just went through some of the moves from Body Balance, trying to improve my flexibility a bit. Am looking forward to the class tomorrow evening!

Am concerned as my weight seems to have gone up a bit. I only record my weight on Sundays, but most mornings I have a little hop on the scales and have a look. The last few mornings it's been higher than I would like. I know I've had a bad couple of weeks, I'll be really annoyed if it's waited until now to catch up with me!

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