Sunday 31 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-31

Treadmil:l 1:30 sprint, 30 seconds rest x3
Stepper: nterval program, level6 , 10 minutes

(so not in the mood for exercise today!)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-01-26

I got up late this morning but still managed to make it to the gym, so was pretty impressed with myself! Did a bit of HIIT on the old treadmill. Am still struggling with still being red-faced 2 hours after finishing my workout, but am sure it will improve over time...

Treadmill 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x5 (got up to 13km/h and then panicked!)

Stepper: interval program, level 6, 10 minutes

Am debating having the morning off tomorrow, and just doing spin at lunch... not sure though, quite fancy a swim!

Monday 25 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-25

Gym again this morning. I decided it was time to bite the bullet and actually do the lower body part of my program. I've no idea why I've been putting this off until now, but I have.

Overhead squats with weighted bar x10
Overhead static lunges with weighted bar x10

BOSU squat with shoulder press 2x3kg x15
Stability ball single leg lunge x15 each side
Athletic step-back 2x3kg x15 each side
Stability ball weight pull over 8kg x15
3 sets

BOSU plank hands to elbows x5
2 sets

Bicycle crunches x20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
2 sets

Am debating running this evening, but not sure might do some more kettlebell stuff instead. Or perhaps not. I'm aware that I did a first weigh-in 2 weeks ago and have done nothing since; I'm hoping to have lost a bit of weight or at least a couple of inches. Will hopefully remember to do all that stuff before I leave for the gym in the morning. If I'm honest I think I'm a bit scared to do it, in case I've not lost any weight, or worse - I've put more on! This is what's making me think I should do another workout this evening - every little helps and all that!

Well I checked my email, including the 200+ unread emails from the health and fitness subscriptions I have. And I decided to just get up off my arse and work out.

Kettlebell swings x15
Kettlebell shoulder press x10 each side
3 sets

cardo set: "suicides," power squats, mountain climbers and jump-overs, x20 each
kettlebell bicep curl x10 each side
3 sets

Am broken now. Off to the sofa to lie down!

Sunday 24 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-24

Woke up feeling pretty rough this morning, I think the lack of caffeine and sugar had kicked in and I was starving. I did eat loads of vegetables yesterday, but I was still starving hungry for most of the day. I decided to just eat a yogurt and go to the gym, see what I felt like doing when I got there...

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Cross trainer: 5 minutes level 5
Stepper: interval program, 6 minutes level 6

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side

Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side abs x 12 each side
2 sets

I need to spend most of today clearing out my spare room ready for my sister to move in next weekend, but am hoping to have a go with the kettlebell this afternoon... We'll see how I feel!

So get me, I actually managed a second workout...

Kettlebell windmills x 10 each side
Kettlebell swings x 10
"Around the world" x10
Halos x10
Kettlebell side bends x10 each side
Kettlebell seated twists x10
3 sets

Ouchies! I think I will be even more achey tomorrow! Oh well you know what they say, no pain no gain! Or hopefully no pain no weight loss!

Saturday 23 January 2010

Saturday 2010-01-23

Managed to get to the gym relatively early for a weekend, which was handy. Decided to do a few weights and then a little cardio...

Stability ball dumbell rox 8kg x 15
Stability ball chest flye 2x6kg x 15
Lat pull down 20kg x 15
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Stepper 6 minutes level 6-8 then back to 5 (one minute each)

Am also attempting a detox today. So far so good - lots of fruit and vege, vitamin tablets etc. I thought I might get a horrible headache from lack of caffeine, sugar etc - but so far so good. Am starving though! Think it's time for another bowl of spinach!

So I went to Tesco to buy provisions... and came back with a 5kg kettlebell (and provisions, obviously!). I've been thinking about buying one for ages, there are loads of kettlebell workouts online and they look really good. So when I saw them in Tesco, I thought, ooh kettlebell + clubcard points, I'm having some of that!
And when I came home I just had to try it out!

Kettlebell side bends x 12 each side
Kettlebell seated side twists x 12 each side
3 sets

Kettlebell swings x 12
Kettlebell shoulder raises x 12 each side
3 sets

Hmm I've a feeling my abs may be a little sore tomorrow!
Also I bought the dvd of the latest P!nk tour from Amazon and it arrived today, so have been watching that for motivation. She is really fit and toned, and flings herself about onstage like you wouldn't believe so it's pretty encouraging to watch whilst working out in the living room!

In other news, I am starving after a day of eating nothing but fruit and vegetables. Next time I decide to do some crazy detox I'm going to make sure there are way more veggies in the house! Time for a massive bowl of peppers and carrots I think!

Friday 22 January 2010

Friday 2010-01-22

I'm proud of myself today. I went to be pretty late last night, and when the alarm went off this morning I really didn't want to get up. I was laying there thinking, "ah, it's Friday, I'll sleep for another hour, have a shower at home and wander into work..." and then I thought to myself, "no you idiot; you had Wednesday off the gym and you might not get the chance to work out this weekend so you'd better get your arse out of bed!"
And with that I was up. I missed the early bus, so I caught a later one - which meant I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but still at least I got there. I'm hoping this marks a change in my mentality, as up until now my duvet has won every argument it's started!

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Stepper: 5 minutes starting at level 5, up to 8 then back down (1 minute each)
Cross Trainer: 5 minutes level 5

The next step is to actually get myself to the gym early enough to do a major workout before work on the days I have a late start, rather than wandering in a bit late and half-arsing it.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Thursday 2010-01-21

Things have been pretty stressful in my life recently, and I gave myself a good talking to last night; basically before Christmas when things started kicking off I let my food and exercise slip, and it's made matters worse. I need to deal with my stress by exercising, or I'll just get ill and miserable. So I went to the gym this morning and did some cardio, which seems to have helped my mental state somewhat...

trreadmill running 2 mins on, 30 secs rest x 4
cross trainer 5 minutes level 5

And lots of stretching, to wake myself up a bit. And attempting to avoid being sore.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-19-01

Gym before work again, it feels good to be getting back into a proper routine.

Stability ball dumbell row 7kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15
Lat pull down 20kg x 10
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Stability ball extended crunch x 15
Jacknife x 15 (ouch!)
2 sets

Hmm I think I've lost a lot of the core strength I'd built up before xmas... will have to work on getting that back!

Monday 18 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-18

Woke up feeling like I had a hangover, despite a distinct lack of booze, which was more than a little annoying. I almost skipped the gym, but then decided to drag myself down there and at least show willing.
When I got there I saw a couple of mates I'd not seen for ages, they were doing some bizarre cardio challenge so I joined in even though I felt bad. I only did a couple of things with them, and they had to go back to work so I carried on doing some stuff on my own. I do feel a lot better for it... though am still really knackered! Early night for me tonight!

Rower: level 6, 700 metres in about 3:30
Cross trainer: level 5, 5 minutes
Treadmill: one minute run followed by 30 seconds rest. 5 rounds
Upright bike: level 5, 5 minutes
Stepper: level 5, 5 minutes

I did these all without a rest between, and was fairly red-faced by the end of it (curse the gym and their lack of working aircon). Feel a lot better now.

Tomorrow: more weights!

Sunday 17 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-17

Back to the gym this morning... I can tell this is going to hurt in the morning!

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges (weighted bar) x 10 each leg

Stability ball dumbell row 7kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15

Lat pull-down 20kg x 10
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15

4 sets

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side

3 sets

I'm still struggling with the diet, but I'm getting there. Just need to get back into a routine I think. I'm off work tomorrow so going to try and go to the gym for an extra-long session in the afternoon. Then back to it on Tuesday morning before work!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Wednesday 2010-01-13

No gym this morning or at lunch due to other commitments (and the lack of buses into town at shit o clock!)
Did the Davina dvd when I got home instead; the boxing section. It was quite fun but nowhere near as hardcore as the Pump one. My legs are killing me!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Back on the Straight and Narrow... Tuesday 2010-01-12

Ok so since about November time, this blog, and my motivation, have kind of gone out the window. I've done very badly at sticking to a regular gym/exercise routine, and my diet has been pretty shocking too.

Now I need to sort my shit out and get back to where I was, only better. I've put on weight and inches in the usual places, and that needs to go.

So I'm starting again with it all. I was going to wait until the weekend to do a starting weigh-in etc, but I figured I may as well just do it now. It's not going to be pretty...

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Weight 146lbs (66kilos)
Waist at navel 34.5" (87.6cm)
Waist 2" below navel 37" (93.9cm)
Hips 38" (96.5cm)

I'm only measuring my waist and hips, because I know that's where the weight is, and that's the only place I'm interested in seeing results. Plus it is far too cold right now to be taking clothes off to take measurements elsewhere!

So here is the plan:

  • eat more fruit and vege
  • cut out junk food
  • cut down on Coke/fizzy drinks (I know if I cut them out completely I'll just fail)
  • plan meals rather than just eating whatever happens to be handy when I'm hungry
  • give away all the biscuits and sweets left over from xmas
  • go to the gym/exercise at least 3 times per week
  • repeat weigh-in and measurements every Tuesday or thereabouts
I think if I can cut back on all the crap I've been eating, and just generally be more active, it shouldn't take long to get back to where I was before I fell off the path last time; then I can start working on getting to where I want to be, which is about a stone lighter than I am right now!

This evening I decided to ease myself back into the old exercise regime by doing a Davina McCall dvd. I did the "pump" section and I've a feeling I'll be a bit achey in the morning. I do miss that ache though!  With the weather at the moment it's a bit tricky to get to the gym before work, and I've had a pretty bad cough/cold any way so don't want to spread my germs. Will continue to work out from home until I'm healthy.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-01-05

Gym again today - 2 days in a row, go me!

warm up: overhead squats, leg swings, hip flexor stretches

Stability ball dumbell row 6kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
3 sets

Am feeling pretty pleased with myself, but am sure the DOMS will kick in soon and I'll change my mind.
Cardio tomorrow hopefully...

Monday 4 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-04

So I finally went back to the gym, after more than a month off.
I had a Christmas job throughout November and December, and basically lost motivation for the gym. Then it sort of became "well it's nearly been a month, I may as well carry on with it..."

But today I returned. I decided to ease myself into it, rather than break myself today and not bother going for the rest of the week.

Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5 (including 1 minute sprint, which made me want to cry)
Stepper 5 minutes level 6 (no sprinting; learned from my mistake!)

Stability ball crunch x 12
Stability ball side iso abs x 12 each side
2 sets

Am debating cracking on with the weights in the morning. There's no way I should be achey from what I did today so there's really no excuse. Plus, the gym have had amazing new showers fitted (whereas mine is a glorified watering can) so I'm actually quite looking forward to it...

At some point I will re-do measurements etc, and we'll begin again.