Monday 25 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-25

Gym again this morning. I decided it was time to bite the bullet and actually do the lower body part of my program. I've no idea why I've been putting this off until now, but I have.

Overhead squats with weighted bar x10
Overhead static lunges with weighted bar x10

BOSU squat with shoulder press 2x3kg x15
Stability ball single leg lunge x15 each side
Athletic step-back 2x3kg x15 each side
Stability ball weight pull over 8kg x15
3 sets

BOSU plank hands to elbows x5
2 sets

Bicycle crunches x20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
2 sets

Am debating running this evening, but not sure might do some more kettlebell stuff instead. Or perhaps not. I'm aware that I did a first weigh-in 2 weeks ago and have done nothing since; I'm hoping to have lost a bit of weight or at least a couple of inches. Will hopefully remember to do all that stuff before I leave for the gym in the morning. If I'm honest I think I'm a bit scared to do it, in case I've not lost any weight, or worse - I've put more on! This is what's making me think I should do another workout this evening - every little helps and all that!

Well I checked my email, including the 200+ unread emails from the health and fitness subscriptions I have. And I decided to just get up off my arse and work out.

Kettlebell swings x15
Kettlebell shoulder press x10 each side
3 sets

cardo set: "suicides," power squats, mountain climbers and jump-overs, x20 each
kettlebell bicep curl x10 each side
3 sets

Am broken now. Off to the sofa to lie down!

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