Saturday, 24 April 2010

Saturday 2010-04-24

I got up later than expected this morning, which was a bit lazy of me, but since I'm off work until the end of the month I guess it doesn't really matter when I get out of bed for now!

Treadmill - 1 minute, sprint, 30 seconds rest x 6
Stepper - program 3 (intervals) 10 minutes at level 6
Reclining bike - 5 minutes at easy pace to cool down

Stability ball extended crunch x 12
Jacknife x 12
2 sets
(feeling lazy!)

Am thinking about doing a sort of juice detox type thing on Monday, will see whether I can be bothered though! If I do I'll post about it here - despite the fact I'm fairly sure nobody reads this blog any way!

1 comment:

  1. I read every entry!! How very dare you??

    Juice detox? Hmmm, depends what you want to achieve by doing it? Certainly isn't going to help you long term...
