Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 2010-04-19

Gadzooks, did I ever ache when I woke up this morning! Very stiff legs!
I still dragged myself to the gym - it just took longer than normal to get there!

Warmed up with some cardio, then did a bit of upper body...

Stepper: level 6, 5 minutes

Stability ball chest press - flye 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbell row 5kg x 12 each side
Pull downs - first set at 20kg, then at 15kg x 12
3 sets

Then I thought since I was there I'd do Body Balance. I've not done this class for probably about 6 months. It was a new release this week though, so I was lucky in that nobody really knew what they were doing. It bloody hurt, but I think it's probably helped to stretch my poor aching legs out a bit!

After that, since I was off work and didn't have anything I really needed to do, I went for a swim. I did 20 lengths of the pool, but it was mainly for leisure rather than exercise. I would have gone in the jacuzzi/spa thingie, had it been working - but as usual, it's broken.

I was originally planning to work on lower body again tomorrow, but judging by today's inability to walk, I think I'd better leave it a day or two. So the plan is to do cardio and some abs in the morning, and perhaps Legs Bums & Tums after work, depending on my legs!

I do feel pretty good for the exercise though, and when I weighed myself this morning I appeared to have lost a pound and a half so I can't really complain!

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