Thursday, 6 August 2009

Thursday 6th

Today is a good day!
Had a PT session this morning, I figured it would be mostly taken up with getting weighed and things, so I tried to get to the gym as early as possible to do a bit of exercise first.

Cross trainer 1-minute sprint intervals, 8 minutes level 5
Stepper, interval program, 10 minutes level 6

Then my PT turned up, weighed me, measured me, measured body fat percentage... and said "right! New program!" and I groaned.

Overhead squats (squats holding a slightly weighted bar above my head) x 12
Overhead lunges x 12 (each side)
Overhead side lunges x 12 (each side)

Ball balance superman - this is where you balance on your hands and knees on a swiss ball, and then lift your right arm and left leg out for a few seconds, then swap over. I didn't manage it particularly well so have been told to practise lots!

Plank march x 20 (performing a normal plank whilst marching my feet)

This was just the warm-up. The rest is the actual workout, which normally I would do 4 sets of each superset. We were short on time so we just did one set of each...

Single leg bench squat (basically a lunge with my back leg on a weight bench) 2x6kg x 12 (each side)
Sprint touch back (standing on a step, standing leg bent, free leg steps back and up quickly whilst standing leg stays as still and bent as possible. Arms pump forward and back too - like sprinting!) 2x2kg x 20 (each side)

Lunge & floor touch 2x2kg x 12 (each side)
Wall squat shoulder press 2x2kg x 12

Reverse BOSU press up x 12
Alternating dead row 2x6kg x 12

Plank step ups (full plank - straight arms - stepping hands up onto a step and back down. Leading with left and then right) x6 (each side)
Stability ball crunches x 12 (with arms straight for difficulty. Full extension back over the ball)

Yep, it's safe to say that all hurt.

Then I came back in the evening for the 45-minute Body Balance class. It was more like an hour, and we spent a lot of time going through technique for the new people, which was handy for me because I don't always understand what's going on in the shorter classes! It was tough, but I'm pretty proud of myself for not falling over during the balancing track! Need to work on my Standing Strength though, as my left hip always seizes up, and I can never stay with my legs bent for that long, I have to keep coming up out of the pose which is annoying.

Will post about weight and measurement separately...

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