Thursday, 6 August 2009

Thursday 6th - 6-week weigh in with my PT

I was actually really nervous about this weigh-in, I think because for the first time I've been putting a real effort in with my food and planning, and filling in my food diaries which I normally forget about. I've been weighing and measuring myself weekly any way, but what if I got it wrong, or I put on weight over night or something?!

Well the fact is that I normally weigh myself first thing in the morning, without clothes. Obviously you can't really do that at the gym (!) so I was expecting a bit of difference in the weight.

The final scores are...

Weight - down 1 pound (could do better - and will!)
Measurements - down 4 inches (2 from my waist, 1 from my hips, 0.5 from each arm)
Body Fat Percentage - down 2% to 35%

The measurements are slightly different than mine - again, I'm being measured etc with clothes on so that distorts it slightly, also I think I've been measuring a different part of my arm.

I'm really pleased with the body fat percentage. I'm still not technically within the "healthy" category (that's 21-33%) but I'm heading in the right direction. I'm disappointed with the weight loss but now I know I can do it, I can work at it.

My goal for the next 6 weeks is to lose 5 pounds and another 2% body fat.

This week has been shocking, my food has been bad, I've not been planning or preparing meals, and I've generally just let it drop in a lot of places. That all changes tomorrow and I'm back on the straight and narrow. I know I can do this, I just need to focus!

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