Saturday, 9 May 2009

I'll ache tomorrow...

So what started off last night as "I might catch a class at the gym tomorrow..." turned into a very active day. And very tiring!

Saturday - 45-minute Spin class. I think it's 45 minutes, possibly closer to the hour. Really good class, lots of jumps and sequences which I actually managed to keep up with this time - not bad for a Saturday morning! Sore bottom though, especially since I did spin on Wednesday this week as well!
Then a 1-hour Body Pump class:
warm-up - 7.5kg
squats - 11.5kg
chest - 7.5kg
glutes, back & hamstrings - 11.5kg
triceps - 7.5kg
biceps - 7.5kg
lunges - 7.5kg (and two 3kg weights at the end, when we also lunged backwards off the step)
shoulders - 7.5kg (and two 3kg weights for the lateral raises)
abs - 5kg weight for crunches, amr/leg extensions etc.

I put my weights up a little for most tracks. I figured I didn't have the usual Tuesday night excuse of having to get through Womens Running Network afterwards so I may as well go for it. The triceps track usually makes me feel sick as it is, so what possessed me to put my weights up for that I've no idea.
I'm sure when I was religiously going to Pump every Monday lunch time I was doing heavier weights for most stuff, perhaps I'm just nervous of it because I've not done Pump regularly for so long.
Any way, by the end of the biceps track my arms felt like they were hanging from my shoulders by a thread. I did surprisingly well on the lunges though - I seem to have a mental block where both push-ups (for the shoulder track) and lunges are concerned but I managed both without wanting to die this week. Even with the terrible three-quarter squats in the middle of the lunge track. Perhaps I am improving after all!

After Pump I was hoping to do the 1-hour Body Balance class, but found that it's been cancelled. I'm absolutely gutted, that class is perfect for after Pump and Spin. And it's just generally a really great class where you do things you wouldn't normally do upstairs in the gym on one of the mats. The instructor says she's trying to get it added to the timetable on Thursday evenings, so fingers crossed!

After a very long shower (to avoid screaming children after swimming lessons), I got dressed and was just pondering what I might do with my afternoon when I realised I'd agreed to go to my mum's for lunch. So I walked home and got changed, and considered the situation. In order to catch a bus to my mum's, I have to catch one into town, and then another back in this direction to my mum's. There is no direct bus, for some reason. I resent paying bus fare and was sure it wasn't too far to go - so I decided to walk.
7km later, mostly on a road with no path, and I arrived cranky and starving to find that lunch was late. I got a lift home after lunch!

Having already walked into town and back for the gym this morning, the step counter on my phone tells me I've walked 16.9km today. My feet hurt, and I think I deserve to spend my evening laying on the couch watching dvds!

1 comment:

  1. A busy day! I have no idea what I lift, I could tell you the colours but not the numbers! I'll check it out and report back next week. :) Keep going missus, you're doing welL!
