Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Tuesday 27th

 I was meant to go to LBT tonight, but haven't made it. I spent a large chunk of today visiting the local Air Force base, and knew that if I went to the gym I wouldn't have time to make lunches and dinners for the rest of the week. So I went for a run and did some stuff at home instead...

Short run - to the Steps of Doom and back. 3 times up the steps, as I've not done them in a while, and wanted to be able to move for tomorrow's sessions. Did run most of the way back though, which is unusual for me - I usually give up and walk back!

I did some pull-up work on my door gym thing, a set of 12 full press-ups and some abs...

Elbow-knee twist x 12
Crunches x 12
Reverse crunch x 12
3 sets

To get into the RAF the fitness test requires full sit-ups and full press-ups. I'm monumentally rubbish at both, so I need to practise this. Am going to try and do press-ups every day, and work my way up. Although you only need to do 12 in about 2 minutes or something to pass the fitness test, if I turned up to Officer training only able to do the bare minimum I'd be in for "a real beasting" apparently.

Once I'm getting somewhere with the push-ups, I'll start on the sit-ups. I need to find somewhere in the house to anchor my feet though!

1 comment:

  1. Serious about the RAF then? I guessed you were applying through vague comments I've seen!
