Saturday, 15 May 2010

Saturday 2010-05-15

I was up early again this morning - no idea what this early-waking malarkey is all about, but I figure I should make the most of it while I'm still managing it. So I got up and went to the gym for 8am - thinking I'd miss most of the weekend idiots and screaming kids with shouty mothers at swimming classes. I was partly right.

push up with plate slide x 12
BOSU alternating row 2x8kg x 20
3 sets

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5kg x 12 (should really put my weight up on this but the 6kg weights were mysteriously absent this morning)
Single leg pull down 20kg x 12
4 sets

Stability ball plank 30 seconds (held the last one as long as possible)
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

I probably should have done more, but I was feeling really quite lazy and apathetic, so I did some stretching and left. I've spent most of the rest of the day on the sofa, thus probably negating the calories I burned off this morning. But hey ho, at least I managed it!

I skipped my leg workout because I didn't want sore legs on Monday for Balance, but I think I'm going to have to miss Balance on Monday any way, so I might do legs tomorrow. For a treat!

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