Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Tuesday 1st September

Start as you mean to go on. In pain and hobbling.

Gym before work this morning, and I thought, well, why not just go ahead and do my program again! Honestly, I've been doing this one to death.

Overhead squats x 10
Overhead lunges x 10 (each side)
Overhead side lunges x 10 (each side)
Ball balance with intermitent hand lifting (when I was feeling brave)
Marching Plank

Single leg bench squat 2x10kg x 12 (each side)
Sprint touch back 2x5kg x 20 (each side)
3 sets

Lunge & floor touch with scaption 2x4kg x 12 (each side)
Wall squat shoulder press 2x4kg x 12
3 sets

Reverse BOSU press up x 6
Alternating dead row 2x8kg x 20
3 sets

Plank step ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunch with arms up x 12
4 sets

I increased my weights for the Bulgarian squats and sprint touch-backs, but by the time I got to the reverse BOSU press-ups I was flagging, so I halved the sets.
I did an extra set of abs as well, as I had time to spare. I was still half an hour early for work as well!!

After work I finally managed to book in for Legs Bums & Tums. I've not done the class for ages, and the usual instructor wasn't there. In the first five minutes I was actually tempted to sneak out the door as it seemed a bit of a waste of time, but then we started doing squats with leg lifts and all sorts of painful stuff. I think I'll feel it tomorrow!

Am meant to see my PT in the morning, but she's been ill so I don't know if I will. I'll go to the gym any way as I need to keep the momentum. Am toying with the idea of Body Pump after work as well.

1 comment:

  1. YOu're going to fade away if you keep on with this! T x
