Hmm. Well every month my main aim is to work out more times than there are days in the month.
There are 30 days in September, and I worked out 33 times so that's pretty good.
Having said that, a great deal of those workouts were done in the first half of the month, when I had a week off work and did several extra sessions. The second half of the month I had times when I had 3 or 4 days off in a row which is not good. I need to even that out a bit.
And, as I seem to say at the end of every month (and every week!) my diet has been a bit shocking. The last month or so especially, as I've started eating chocolate and drinking Coke again. Not as much as I was before, but enough that it's not good. I'm also suspicious that this desire to eat crap and lay about under my duvet feeling sorry for myself rather than going to the gym may be down to the contraceptive pill I'm taking.
The shortened version of this story is that I changed my contraceptive pill abut 3 months ago, and since then I've had a couple of rather irritating side effects. When my trainer weighed and measured me in the week I was pretty gutted to find that I'd lost 2% body fat, but still put on weight, and a couple of inches around my waist and hips. I think this may be down to water retention - partially from my diet, and partially from the pill. I also think my diet may be partially down to the pill. Therefore the pill may not be such a great idea. I'm going to give it another month to see if it settles, and if not then it's out.
So for October I will still be on this pill, but I need to be more strict with myself when it comes to eating junk and lazing about. I feel like crap at the moment, really foggy and miserable. I need to try and push past that and go to the gym any way. There are 31 days in October so am aiming for at least 35 workout sessions. And a better diet, of course!
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Wednesday 30th
I had a PT session this morning, wasn't sure what she was planning to do with me, so I got there early and did 15 minutes on the cross trainer first.
Then my trainer arrived, and I remembered I was due for a weigh in. Oh dear.
Basically, I've put on 3 pounds since the last time she weighed me, and a couple of inches in the waist/hips region, but my body fat is down 2% to 33% which is good. She thinks the extra weight/inches are partly due to increased muscle, and partly due to water retention caused by a bad diet and a couple of other things. Am currently toying with coming off the pill and all the other junk I'm taking, and just seeing what happens. Would like to think once I stop taking all this crap my body will know how to look after itself and I will lose the water retention etc and therefore weight. Watch this space...
Then my trainer arrived, and I remembered I was due for a weigh in. Oh dear.
Basically, I've put on 3 pounds since the last time she weighed me, and a couple of inches in the waist/hips region, but my body fat is down 2% to 33% which is good. She thinks the extra weight/inches are partly due to increased muscle, and partly due to water retention caused by a bad diet and a couple of other things. Am currently toying with coming off the pill and all the other junk I'm taking, and just seeing what happens. Would like to think once I stop taking all this crap my body will know how to look after itself and I will lose the water retention etc and therefore weight. Watch this space...
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Tuesday 29th
Legs Bums & Tums tonight, and man alive did it ever hurt. It seems to be getting more and more evil as the weeks go on! Not sure what that's about! There was lots of abs work this week as well.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Monday 28th
Body Balance at lunch time today. Was a bit sore from yesterday but it was ok.
I felt like crap most of the day, and was really knackered in the evening but decided to go to Body Pump any way. It was the new release, I was thinking of doing light weights but figured, since I've had loads of missed sessions and have been generally a bit pants I shouly just suck it up and do it. So I did.
Warm up 10kg
Squats 20kg
Chest 10kg
Glutes, Back & Hamstrings 12.5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Abs 5kg
ouch ouch ouch! I felt so much better when the class finished though, more awake and alive.
I felt like crap most of the day, and was really knackered in the evening but decided to go to Body Pump any way. It was the new release, I was thinking of doing light weights but figured, since I've had loads of missed sessions and have been generally a bit pants I shouly just suck it up and do it. So I did.
Warm up 10kg
Squats 20kg
Chest 10kg
Glutes, Back & Hamstrings 12.5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Abs 5kg
ouch ouch ouch! I felt so much better when the class finished though, more awake and alive.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Sunday 27th
Yep, I've really not worked out since Thursday. Like I said before, I've had a crappy week and haven't really been trying.
I think I made up for it this morning though.
Squat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe taps x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation
1 set
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 8
Squat with side step-up and leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each side
Sprintees x 20 (didn't want to risk jumping with the ankle)
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls with arms up x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 8
Stability ball back extension with arms extended x 10
Stability ball roll-out x 12
3 sets
BOSU alternating rows 2x8kg x 12
Alternating press ups x 12
Woodchops with dumbell 1st set with 6kg, then with 5kg x 12 each side
3 sets
Over head weight taps with leg extension 6kg x 12
30 second plank
3 sets
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12 each side
2 sets
I think I'm supposed to do more than one set of the abs at the beginning of the program but I keep forgetting.
Also I added in a few extra bits to the normal program. I figured I may as well work as hard as I can.
Back to the proper workouts tomorrow, with Balance at lunch and Pump in the evening.
With regard to the weekly weigh-in, I was in a rush to get to the gym when I got up this morning, and didn't realise until I was half way to town that I'd forgotten to do it. I was thinking I might do it tomorrow instead or something but I think I'll just give myself a week off, since I've had a shocking week both food and exercise wise. I'll check back in next week and keep my fingers crossed for a good result!
I think I made up for it this morning though.
Squat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe taps x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation
1 set
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 8
Squat with side step-up and leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each side
Sprintees x 20 (didn't want to risk jumping with the ankle)
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls with arms up x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 8
Stability ball back extension with arms extended x 10
Stability ball roll-out x 12
3 sets
BOSU alternating rows 2x8kg x 12
Alternating press ups x 12
Woodchops with dumbell 1st set with 6kg, then with 5kg x 12 each side
3 sets
Over head weight taps with leg extension 6kg x 12
30 second plank
3 sets
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12 each side
2 sets
I think I'm supposed to do more than one set of the abs at the beginning of the program but I keep forgetting.
Also I added in a few extra bits to the normal program. I figured I may as well work as hard as I can.
Back to the proper workouts tomorrow, with Balance at lunch and Pump in the evening.
With regard to the weekly weigh-in, I was in a rush to get to the gym when I got up this morning, and didn't realise until I was half way to town that I'd forgotten to do it. I was thinking I might do it tomorrow instead or something but I think I'll just give myself a week off, since I've had a shocking week both food and exercise wise. I'll check back in next week and keep my fingers crossed for a good result!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Thursday 24th
I dragged myself to the gym this morning, but wasn't really in the mood. Still, I figured I'd give it a go...
Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5
Treadmill 5 minutes@9km/h - this is the first time I've run in a few weeks, my ankle seemed to hold out ok though so am happy!
Stability ball toe taps x 12
Stability ball full crunch x 12
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12
2 sets
I was planning to do Pilates and Balance in the evening, but didn't make it to either. I've had a pretty crappy week to be honest, shocking diet and really not in the mood for training either.
Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5
Treadmill 5 minutes@9km/h - this is the first time I've run in a few weeks, my ankle seemed to hold out ok though so am happy!
Stability ball toe taps x 12
Stability ball full crunch x 12
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12
2 sets
I was planning to do Pilates and Balance in the evening, but didn't make it to either. I've had a pretty crappy week to be honest, shocking diet and really not in the mood for training either.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Tuesday 22nd
I set my alarm as normal this morning. My entire week off I would wake up with all the good intentions in the world, and then end up not getting out of the house for hours. So today I got up early and went straight to the gym...
Cross trainer - 1-minute sprint intervals 8 minutes level 5
Stepper - 7 minutes level 7
Stability ball plank toe taps x 12
Stability ball full crunch x 12
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12
2 sets
Overhead weight taps with alternating leg extensions, 6kg x 12
Plank for 30 seconds
2 sets
When I was finished I went and spent a few minutes in the steam room, then did some lengths of the pool (16 but it's a tiny pool) before relaxing in the spa pool for about 10 minutes.
I'm just struggling my way through to put my food on there - the only problem is it's all in American. May take some time...
Cross trainer - 1-minute sprint intervals 8 minutes level 5
Stepper - 7 minutes level 7
Stability ball plank toe taps x 12
Stability ball full crunch x 12
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12
2 sets
Overhead weight taps with alternating leg extensions, 6kg x 12
Plank for 30 seconds
2 sets
When I was finished I went and spent a few minutes in the steam room, then did some lengths of the pool (16 but it's a tiny pool) before relaxing in the spa pool for about 10 minutes.
I'm just struggling my way through to put my food on there - the only problem is it's all in American. May take some time...
Monday, 21 September 2009
Bring pro-active about the poor diet situation
On the advice of Craig Balantyne of Turbulence Training, I've set myself up a FitDay account here.
I've made it public, and intend to do my level best to record as much information as possible on here in the hope that it will make me sort my shit out.
I had an account with Weight Loss Resources before, and it was really good - but there's a subscription fee. Seeing just how much of my daily calorie allowance was taken up by Coke and chocolate seemed to be the only thing that made me realise it was a bad idea. I've not looked too closely at FitDay yet, but I'm hoping it will be the same sort of situation, and give me a bit of a kick start with my diet.
If anyone else has a FitDay account and wants to post a link to it here please feel free. I can't resist a good old nose into what other people are up to!
I've made it public, and intend to do my level best to record as much information as possible on here in the hope that it will make me sort my shit out.
I had an account with Weight Loss Resources before, and it was really good - but there's a subscription fee. Seeing just how much of my daily calorie allowance was taken up by Coke and chocolate seemed to be the only thing that made me realise it was a bad idea. I've not looked too closely at FitDay yet, but I'm hoping it will be the same sort of situation, and give me a bit of a kick start with my diet.
If anyone else has a FitDay account and wants to post a link to it here please feel free. I can't resist a good old nose into what other people are up to!
Monday 21st
I've a day off today, so I went to the gym a little later than normal. I had an appointment this afternoon though, and really didn't want to be hobbling about looking like I'm some sort of wuss - so I didn't want to go all out at the gym.
I've not been to the gym since Wednesday, for no other reason than that I just got a bit lazy. I had a feeling this was going to hurt...
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touches x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 8
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each leg (I cheated on this and only used 3 raisers instead of 4)
Sprintees x 20 (ankle is still gammy)
2 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls with arms extended x 12 (I managed about 80% with arms up I think)
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 8
Stability ball back extensions with arms extended x 12
2 sets
Alternating dead rows standing on BOSU 2x6kg x 12 (there was someone using the thing I need for body rows)
Step Opp press ups x 12
Low-to-high woodchops 6kg x 12 each side (used a dumbell as someone was using the cable thingie)
2 sets
Overhead weight tap with alternating leg extensions 7kg x 12
Plank 30 seconds
2 sets
I wanted to swim afterwards, but I keep leaving my costume at home. So I just finished up with some stretching. I've a feeling this will hurt tomorrow!
Also having spoken to a friend, I think in future when I don't have much time I should probably do more sets of the same exercises, and just miss out one or two of the tri-sets and leave them for another day. I might start to split my program into the two sets of legs on one day and upper body/abs on another - that way I can fit it in before work on most mornings, and on the days I have more time I can do more sets.
Any way. I was meant to go to Body Pump this evening but I'm really not up for it after running about all day and not really eating properly. So I thought I'd have a scout around on Gym Junkies and find a little workout I could do at home. Most of the workouts on that site are only a few minutes long - but absolutely killer. In the end I sort of bodged together a couple of bits and came up with the following...
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Body rows x 12
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Crunches with a pilates ball between knees x 12
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Assisted chin-ups x 6
I did 2 sets of this, and I really felt it! Baby burpees look easy, hell, they are easy - until you try to do more than about 4 in a row. I was managing about 10-11 per set, though towards the end I was getting a little tired and it went down to 9.
I finished off with some of the stretches from Body Balance in a vague attempt to avoid a lot of stiffness and pain in the morning. I've a feeling my upper body will hurt from this morning's workout as well as what I've just done.
This afternoon's little workout only took about 10 minutes, possibly less. I might try and do it, or different versions of it, in the evenings after work. I'm sure it counts as intervals and therefore fat burning. Might try and stick more to the workouts from the website in future though, as I don't know if mine was very clever!
I've not been to the gym since Wednesday, for no other reason than that I just got a bit lazy. I had a feeling this was going to hurt...
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touches x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 8
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each leg (I cheated on this and only used 3 raisers instead of 4)
Sprintees x 20 (ankle is still gammy)
2 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls with arms extended x 12 (I managed about 80% with arms up I think)
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 8
Stability ball back extensions with arms extended x 12
2 sets
Alternating dead rows standing on BOSU 2x6kg x 12 (there was someone using the thing I need for body rows)
Step Opp press ups x 12
Low-to-high woodchops 6kg x 12 each side (used a dumbell as someone was using the cable thingie)
2 sets
Overhead weight tap with alternating leg extensions 7kg x 12
Plank 30 seconds
2 sets
I wanted to swim afterwards, but I keep leaving my costume at home. So I just finished up with some stretching. I've a feeling this will hurt tomorrow!
Also having spoken to a friend, I think in future when I don't have much time I should probably do more sets of the same exercises, and just miss out one or two of the tri-sets and leave them for another day. I might start to split my program into the two sets of legs on one day and upper body/abs on another - that way I can fit it in before work on most mornings, and on the days I have more time I can do more sets.
Any way. I was meant to go to Body Pump this evening but I'm really not up for it after running about all day and not really eating properly. So I thought I'd have a scout around on Gym Junkies and find a little workout I could do at home. Most of the workouts on that site are only a few minutes long - but absolutely killer. In the end I sort of bodged together a couple of bits and came up with the following...
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Body rows x 12
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Crunches with a pilates ball between knees x 12
Baby Burpees for 30 seconds
Assisted chin-ups x 6
I did 2 sets of this, and I really felt it! Baby burpees look easy, hell, they are easy - until you try to do more than about 4 in a row. I was managing about 10-11 per set, though towards the end I was getting a little tired and it went down to 9.
I finished off with some of the stretches from Body Balance in a vague attempt to avoid a lot of stiffness and pain in the morning. I've a feeling my upper body will hurt from this morning's workout as well as what I've just done.
This afternoon's little workout only took about 10 minutes, possibly less. I might try and do it, or different versions of it, in the evenings after work. I'm sure it counts as intervals and therefore fat burning. Might try and stick more to the workouts from the website in future though, as I don't know if mine was very clever!
baby burpees,
body row,
home workout,
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Sunday - weekly weigh-in
Ok so I do this every week, and every week I say my diet has been shite and I need to improve it and blah blah. Well this week my diet has been nothing short of exceptional. I've been eating chocolate, drinking Coke, I had a McDonalds for breakfast one day, pizza for dinner and then breakfast the following morning, croissants, danish pastries... a proper fatty, sugary nightmare.
I've also not been to the gym since Wednesday. I've been really knackered (probably due to the diet), and working in the evenings so just basically chickened out of any sort of exercise other than walking to and from work.
Weight: 139 pounds (63kg)
Waist: 29.5" (75cm) - up by half an inch
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm)
So the only thing that's changed is that my waist has increased by half an inch. That's probably down to all the bread I've been eating.
I've a feeling this week's debauchery may catch up with me on next Sunday's weigh-in. I can only hope that by busting my ass this week I can offset some of the damage.
I really need to get back into doing weekly food diaries and giving them to my trainer, that's the only way I can keep track of what I'm eating, and figure out what's going wrong here.
Am also thinking I might start listening to that Paul McKenna CD, since a lot of the time I'm eating crap when I'm not even hungry. I'm an idiot, I know.
I've also not been to the gym since Wednesday. I've been really knackered (probably due to the diet), and working in the evenings so just basically chickened out of any sort of exercise other than walking to and from work.
Weight: 139 pounds (63kg)
Waist: 29.5" (75cm) - up by half an inch
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm)
So the only thing that's changed is that my waist has increased by half an inch. That's probably down to all the bread I've been eating.
I've a feeling this week's debauchery may catch up with me on next Sunday's weigh-in. I can only hope that by busting my ass this week I can offset some of the damage.
I really need to get back into doing weekly food diaries and giving them to my trainer, that's the only way I can keep track of what I'm eating, and figure out what's going wrong here.
Am also thinking I might start listening to that Paul McKenna CD, since a lot of the time I'm eating crap when I'm not even hungry. I'm an idiot, I know.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Wednesday 16th
PT session this morning. I arrived a little early and did some cardio, but not enough that it's worth recording.
My trainer was in her usual bubbly mood, and we did a run-through of my program. You know, the horrible one with the hex bar and the pain. Apparently because I've been doing it for 2 weeks it's time the weights and some of the reps went up. Yeah.
Squat & arm raise
Leg Swings
Lunge & floor touch
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 6
Side squat/step-up with leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each side
Sprintees x 20 (can't do ball jumps as I have a gammy ankle)
2 sets
Ball hamstring curls with arms up x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 6
Stability ball back extension x 20 (now with arms extended)
2 sets
We didn't have time to run through the rest of the program, but she did show me some alternatives to do if the equipemnt I need is in use so that's handy.
I went back at lunch and did spin, which was painful but bloody good fun actually. Left with a big smile on my face!
My trainer was in her usual bubbly mood, and we did a run-through of my program. You know, the horrible one with the hex bar and the pain. Apparently because I've been doing it for 2 weeks it's time the weights and some of the reps went up. Yeah.
Squat & arm raise
Leg Swings
Lunge & floor touch
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation
Hex bar squats 27.5kg x 6
Side squat/step-up with leg raise 2x10kg x 12 each side
Sprintees x 20 (can't do ball jumps as I have a gammy ankle)
2 sets
Ball hamstring curls with arms up x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 27.5kg x 6
Stability ball back extension x 20 (now with arms extended)
2 sets
We didn't have time to run through the rest of the program, but she did show me some alternatives to do if the equipemnt I need is in use so that's handy.
I went back at lunch and did spin, which was painful but bloody good fun actually. Left with a big smile on my face!
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Tuesday 15th
I had a later start at work this morning so I decided to go for a run - but from the gym, so that I could walk there first and warm my legs up a bit.
Having looked at the route on Map My Run, I only did 4.26km, but it bloody hurt after Pump last night! I really don't think I'm cut out for running at all. It took me about half an hour.
When I got back to the gym I still had some time over, so I did some cardio on the machines...
Stepper - interval program, 10 minutes level 6
Cross trainer - 1-minute sprint intervals, 6 minutes level 5
Then this evening I went back to the gym to do Legs Bums and Tums, which actually hurt so much I was almost sick! Seriously. There was way more leg work than abs, though the abs stuff at the end was pretty hardcore.
I have a PT session tomorrow, I've a nasty feeling it's been 6 weeks since my last weigh-in, and she's going to measure me and find that I've made no progress at all. Fingers crossed for some sort of major weight loss over night!
Having looked at the route on Map My Run, I only did 4.26km, but it bloody hurt after Pump last night! I really don't think I'm cut out for running at all. It took me about half an hour.
When I got back to the gym I still had some time over, so I did some cardio on the machines...
Stepper - interval program, 10 minutes level 6
Cross trainer - 1-minute sprint intervals, 6 minutes level 5
Then this evening I went back to the gym to do Legs Bums and Tums, which actually hurt so much I was almost sick! Seriously. There was way more leg work than abs, though the abs stuff at the end was pretty hardcore.
I have a PT session tomorrow, I've a nasty feeling it's been 6 weeks since my last weigh-in, and she's going to measure me and find that I've made no progress at all. Fingers crossed for some sort of major weight loss over night!
Monday, 14 September 2009
Monday 14th
Today was my first day back at work after my week off, so I allowed myself a bit of a lie-in. I think it really helped as I actually woke up before my alarm, and felt pretty good.
I did Body Balance at lunch, felt pretty good. I found the shoulder stretch in track 5 really tough, but the rest seemed pretty ok. Now that I've been doing it twice a week for a month or so, I'm really noticing a difference in my flexibility, especially my hamstrings. Until recently I'd never been able to reach my toes when stretching before but I'm getting better and better at it!
After work I went back to the gym for Body Pump. I think the trainer is more than a little bored of the latest release, as she's started doing "pick n mix" classes where she basically just chooses random tracks from previous releases. I think this evening was mainly 53, and it bloody hurt!
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 22.5kg
Chest 10kg
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 3kg for kickbacks, 5kg for French presses at the end (we did 70 for this track)
Biceps 5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Unfortunately we ran out of time to do shoulders or abs. The instructor is pregnant and has to leave early for ante natal classes at the moment, plus I think we probably started a little late and what have you. I'm not too bothered about skipping those tracks, as I did abs in Balance at lunch, and my shoulders were feeling pretty bad during the earlier tracks. I'm hoping I've not done any serious damage, but the pain wasn't like normal muscle pain. Possibly from something I did yesterday!
Tomorrow I have a late start at work again so am hoping to get up early and go for a run. Then LBT in the evening. Bring it on!
Diet is still a little shocking, I really need to work on that...
I did Body Balance at lunch, felt pretty good. I found the shoulder stretch in track 5 really tough, but the rest seemed pretty ok. Now that I've been doing it twice a week for a month or so, I'm really noticing a difference in my flexibility, especially my hamstrings. Until recently I'd never been able to reach my toes when stretching before but I'm getting better and better at it!
After work I went back to the gym for Body Pump. I think the trainer is more than a little bored of the latest release, as she's started doing "pick n mix" classes where she basically just chooses random tracks from previous releases. I think this evening was mainly 53, and it bloody hurt!
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 22.5kg
Chest 10kg
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 3kg for kickbacks, 5kg for French presses at the end (we did 70 for this track)
Biceps 5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Unfortunately we ran out of time to do shoulders or abs. The instructor is pregnant and has to leave early for ante natal classes at the moment, plus I think we probably started a little late and what have you. I'm not too bothered about skipping those tracks, as I did abs in Balance at lunch, and my shoulders were feeling pretty bad during the earlier tracks. I'm hoping I've not done any serious damage, but the pain wasn't like normal muscle pain. Possibly from something I did yesterday!
Tomorrow I have a late start at work again so am hoping to get up early and go for a run. Then LBT in the evening. Bring it on!
Diet is still a little shocking, I really need to work on that...
Sunday, 13 September 2009
This week's food

Am back to work tomorrow so have been in the kitchen making packed lunches, as well as breakfast for tomorrow morning. The two bowls at the front are onion and vegetables ready to be cooked with some mince and other things to be tonight's dinner and hopefully 2 dinners in the week as between late gym classes and overtime i won't be home in time to cook much this week!
Sunday 13th
I go tup early this morning and dragged myself to the gym to avoid the crowds... except I got there to find 3 grunting men in the weights area. Plan backfired. I carried on with the program any way...
Squat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squat 25kg x 6
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each side (3 raisers under step)
Ball side jumps x 20
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls (arms raised) x12 - I ended up doing half arms raised and half normal. Ouch!
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 6
Stability ball back extension x 12
3 sets
Body row x6
Step Opp press ups (one hand on 2 step raisers, alternating hands) x 12
Low-to-high wood chops6.25kg x 12 each side
2 sets (because someone was using some of the equipment when I came to do my third set... and I ached like a mofo!)
Overhead weigt tap with leg extension x 12 with 5kg
Plank 30-second hold
This is only my second run-through with the program, it's a little easier... well more familiar any way. I don't like the upper body exercises, as by the time I've finished the lower body stuff and put the hex bar away I feel like I'm about to pass out. The wood-chop thing is really tough and I think I've slightly damaged my shoulder, which is a bit annoying. Am going to see if I can manage to do this again one morning in the week... Fingers crossed...
Squat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squat 25kg x 6
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each side (3 raisers under step)
Ball side jumps x 20
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls (arms raised) x12 - I ended up doing half arms raised and half normal. Ouch!
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 6
Stability ball back extension x 12
3 sets
Body row x6
Step Opp press ups (one hand on 2 step raisers, alternating hands) x 12
Low-to-high wood chops6.25kg x 12 each side
2 sets (because someone was using some of the equipment when I came to do my third set... and I ached like a mofo!)
Overhead weigt tap with leg extension x 12 with 5kg
Plank 30-second hold
This is only my second run-through with the program, it's a little easier... well more familiar any way. I don't like the upper body exercises, as by the time I've finished the lower body stuff and put the hex bar away I feel like I'm about to pass out. The wood-chop thing is really tough and I think I've slightly damaged my shoulder, which is a bit annoying. Am going to see if I can manage to do this again one morning in the week... Fingers crossed...
Sunday - weekly weigh-in
Weight: 139 pounds (63kg)
Waist: 29" (73.6cm)
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm)
So basically, no change at all. I'm pretty gutted to be honest. Then again, thinking about the amount of crap I put away yesterday, I suppose I should be glad none of it went up! I also ate some chocolate this week, which was not a clever idea. I think the problem with taking a week off work and not making proper plans, is that I was just bored and spent a large amount of time watching TV and picking at food one should not pick at! Perhaps going back to work will cause something to change. I certainly hope so, as I'm a little fed up!
Waist: 29" (73.6cm)
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm)
So basically, no change at all. I'm pretty gutted to be honest. Then again, thinking about the amount of crap I put away yesterday, I suppose I should be glad none of it went up! I also ate some chocolate this week, which was not a clever idea. I think the problem with taking a week off work and not making proper plans, is that I was just bored and spent a large amount of time watching TV and picking at food one should not pick at! Perhaps going back to work will cause something to change. I certainly hope so, as I'm a little fed up!
Friday, 11 September 2009
Friday 11th
Today was the last day of my week off. I do feel like I've worked hard, but if I'm honest I've not done that much more than I would normally do in a week. The only difference is that I've probably made it to more classes, rather than just working out on my own.
I did Body Pump this morning. It was with an instructor I don't normally see, as she only does the daytime classes. I find her difficult to follow, probably because 99% of all Pump classes I've ever done have been with the same instructor - so you get used to their ways of saying things. Every instructor seems to say and do things differently, so if you're not used to the way someone works, it can get a little confusing. Add to that the fact we did a really old release of Pump (Body Pump 45 from about 6 years ago!) so nobody was familiar with what was going on. I was right at the back, and the 4 or 5 women I could have hoped to copy clearly had NO idea at all what they were supposed to be doing! Ah well, it was fun, and we did some different things.
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 22.5kg - most I've ever had in Pump!
Chest - 2x3 dumbells for flys at the beginning, then 10kg bar
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg and then a 5kg plate for French Press
Biceps 5kg (included some bicep rows)
Lunges 7.5kg (with some evil calf raises on the steps to begin with)
Shoulders press-ups, then 2x3kg for side deltoid raises and side raises, then 7.5kg for upright rows and presses)
Abs - well by this point nobody had a clue what the instructor was on about, her mic went and we were all flailing about on the floor doing our own thing. Not sure I can really count that as having worked my abs to be honest!
Am thinking I might take a day off the exercise tomorrow, and then hit the gym on Sunday.
I've wimped out of doing my program as much as I had planned - mainly because the hex bar scares me. It's getting it out and putting it away that scares me more than the actual exercises. That and the pain I'll be in afterwads!
I did Body Pump this morning. It was with an instructor I don't normally see, as she only does the daytime classes. I find her difficult to follow, probably because 99% of all Pump classes I've ever done have been with the same instructor - so you get used to their ways of saying things. Every instructor seems to say and do things differently, so if you're not used to the way someone works, it can get a little confusing. Add to that the fact we did a really old release of Pump (Body Pump 45 from about 6 years ago!) so nobody was familiar with what was going on. I was right at the back, and the 4 or 5 women I could have hoped to copy clearly had NO idea at all what they were supposed to be doing! Ah well, it was fun, and we did some different things.
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 22.5kg - most I've ever had in Pump!
Chest - 2x3 dumbells for flys at the beginning, then 10kg bar
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg and then a 5kg plate for French Press
Biceps 5kg (included some bicep rows)
Lunges 7.5kg (with some evil calf raises on the steps to begin with)
Shoulders press-ups, then 2x3kg for side deltoid raises and side raises, then 7.5kg for upright rows and presses)
Abs - well by this point nobody had a clue what the instructor was on about, her mic went and we were all flailing about on the floor doing our own thing. Not sure I can really count that as having worked my abs to be honest!
Am thinking I might take a day off the exercise tomorrow, and then hit the gym on Sunday.
I've wimped out of doing my program as much as I had planned - mainly because the hex bar scares me. It's getting it out and putting it away that scares me more than the actual exercises. That and the pain I'll be in afterwads!
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Thursday 10th
What a day!
Got up this morning and went for a run. My ankle is a little sore from running the other day - I think I may have damaged it a bit running on uneven ground. So I chickened out of doing a proper run, and instead opted for the "easier option" of interval training on the Steps Of Doom! I managed to run up them 4 times, all the while being watched by a gaggle of mothers who seemed to have congregated at the bottom to have a gossip about god-knows-what. I got a few funny looks on my last trip down the steps when I had to go past them to get home!
In the evening I thought I'd try a pilates class at the gym. It runs directly before the Body Balance class, so I always end up waiting outside the Studio for it to finish, wondering what it's like. So today I did Pilates for an hour, and then Body Balance too. Woop Woop.
Pilates was actually really good, I was so busy concentrating on my postures and breathing and everything else I didn't notice that the hour was nearly up, or that I was working my muscles quite hard. It complemented Body Balance quite nicely as well, and the result was a happy and bouncy bubbles all the way home! I'm going to see if I can fit Pilates into my schedule on a regular basis from now on, I love it!
Got up this morning and went for a run. My ankle is a little sore from running the other day - I think I may have damaged it a bit running on uneven ground. So I chickened out of doing a proper run, and instead opted for the "easier option" of interval training on the Steps Of Doom! I managed to run up them 4 times, all the while being watched by a gaggle of mothers who seemed to have congregated at the bottom to have a gossip about god-knows-what. I got a few funny looks on my last trip down the steps when I had to go past them to get home!
In the evening I thought I'd try a pilates class at the gym. It runs directly before the Body Balance class, so I always end up waiting outside the Studio for it to finish, wondering what it's like. So today I did Pilates for an hour, and then Body Balance too. Woop Woop.
Pilates was actually really good, I was so busy concentrating on my postures and breathing and everything else I didn't notice that the hour was nearly up, or that I was working my muscles quite hard. It complemented Body Balance quite nicely as well, and the result was a happy and bouncy bubbles all the way home! I'm going to see if I can fit Pilates into my schedule on a regular basis from now on, I love it!
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Wednesday 9th
I had a late start this morning, as I wanted to do the lunchtime spin class at the gym. I still got there early for the class though, so I did some cardio beforehand...
Rowing - 500 metres in 2.13 minutes.
Cross trainer - 5 minutes at level 5
30 minute spin class
Swimming - 24 lengths
I also spent a few minutes in the steam room, and sat in the spa pool for a while before getting changed as well.
I came back to the gym in the evening to do Body Pump. Since I managed most of the tracks with no problems on Monday, I decided I could stand to put my weights up a bit in some places... Plus the class was over-booked so I could only use one bar, and couldn't be bothered to keep changing my weights around!
warm-up 7.5kg
Squats 20kg (!)
Chest 10kg
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg plus tricep dips
Biceps 5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Abs 5kg plate
Weirdly, I put my squats weight up higher than I've ever managed before - and managed the whole track without having to stop or skip any reps. I might put it up again when I go to Friday's class!
All in all a pretty good day - though I did spend a bit too much time sitting about on the sofa, and my lunch was pretty bad. Still need to work on the old diet!
Rowing - 500 metres in 2.13 minutes.
Cross trainer - 5 minutes at level 5
30 minute spin class
Swimming - 24 lengths
I also spent a few minutes in the steam room, and sat in the spa pool for a while before getting changed as well.
I came back to the gym in the evening to do Body Pump. Since I managed most of the tracks with no problems on Monday, I decided I could stand to put my weights up a bit in some places... Plus the class was over-booked so I could only use one bar, and couldn't be bothered to keep changing my weights around!
warm-up 7.5kg
Squats 20kg (!)
Chest 10kg
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg plus tricep dips
Biceps 5kg
Lunges 7.5kg
Abs 5kg plate
Weirdly, I put my squats weight up higher than I've ever managed before - and managed the whole track without having to stop or skip any reps. I might put it up again when I go to Friday's class!
All in all a pretty good day - though I did spend a bit too much time sitting about on the sofa, and my lunch was pretty bad. Still need to work on the old diet!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Tuesday 8th
Had real issues motivating myself this morning, in the end I didn't get out of the house until 1pm. I went for a run, about 5k. It took me about 35-40 minutes because it was really hot and... well I'm just lazy and out of practise with the running! That was the first proper run I'd been on since probably about June.
In the evening I went to the gym to do Legs Bums and Tums. I was early, so before heading down to the studio I did:
Stepper, interval program 10 minutes level 6
The usual instructor was off last week, and I was disappointed in the class - it was more like aerobics and not very challenging. When this week's class began I thought the same... for the first 2 minutes! Then my legs started to wail in pain! The usual instructor was back and it bloody hurt! She teaches Body Balance too, and seems to have incorporated some of those moves into this class. Such as standing on one leg, on a step, with your arms in the air, bending over forwards, bending the standing leg... and then doing a series of one-legged squats to tap the lifted toe onto the floor. The whole class hurt, I've a feeling I'll know about it in the morning!
Believe it or not, that's a good thing!
In the evening I went to the gym to do Legs Bums and Tums. I was early, so before heading down to the studio I did:
Stepper, interval program 10 minutes level 6
The usual instructor was off last week, and I was disappointed in the class - it was more like aerobics and not very challenging. When this week's class began I thought the same... for the first 2 minutes! Then my legs started to wail in pain! The usual instructor was back and it bloody hurt! She teaches Body Balance too, and seems to have incorporated some of those moves into this class. Such as standing on one leg, on a step, with your arms in the air, bending over forwards, bending the standing leg... and then doing a series of one-legged squats to tap the lifted toe onto the floor. The whole class hurt, I've a feeling I'll know about it in the morning!
Believe it or not, that's a good thing!
Monday, 7 September 2009
Monday 7th
Well today was my first day off... and I was pretty sore from doing my program yesterday!
My little sis came over in the morning and we watched bad TV before heading to the gym. She's not used my gym before, so we pottered about a bit, did some cardio and then some of the weights machines, before heading down to the studio for Body Balance. Unsurprisingly, it hurt more than usual today, especially the Standing Strength!
After Balance we went in the steam room for a while, then swam, I think we managed about 14 lengths (some using the noodles instead of kicking our legs), and then headed for the spa pool or whatever it's called.
In the evening I was planning to go back to the gym for Body Pump, but I was feeling pretty knackered. I'd almost decided not to go, but then I thought, well you took a week off intending to spend it at the gym, you'd better get there. So I went. It was only a 45 minute class as the instructor had to be somewhere afterwards. It was hard though! I put my weights up for the squats, but oddly I think I could handle putting them up further next time!
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 17.5kg
Chest 7.5kg (and press ups! Ouch!)
Glutes, Back & Hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg (and tricep dips - ouch again!)
Shoulders 2x3kg, then 7.5kg on the bar afterwards
Abs 5kg
Depending on how much I ache tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll do my program - it's killer! Am planning to do Pump again on Wednesday evening though!
My little sis came over in the morning and we watched bad TV before heading to the gym. She's not used my gym before, so we pottered about a bit, did some cardio and then some of the weights machines, before heading down to the studio for Body Balance. Unsurprisingly, it hurt more than usual today, especially the Standing Strength!
After Balance we went in the steam room for a while, then swam, I think we managed about 14 lengths (some using the noodles instead of kicking our legs), and then headed for the spa pool or whatever it's called.
In the evening I was planning to go back to the gym for Body Pump, but I was feeling pretty knackered. I'd almost decided not to go, but then I thought, well you took a week off intending to spend it at the gym, you'd better get there. So I went. It was only a 45 minute class as the instructor had to be somewhere afterwards. It was hard though! I put my weights up for the squats, but oddly I think I could handle putting them up further next time!
Warm up 7.5kg
Squats 17.5kg
Chest 7.5kg (and press ups! Ouch!)
Glutes, Back & Hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg (and tricep dips - ouch again!)
Shoulders 2x3kg, then 7.5kg on the bar afterwards
Abs 5kg
Depending on how much I ache tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll do my program - it's killer! Am planning to do Pump again on Wednesday evening though!
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Sunday 6th
Oh good grief, I think I may be broken.
Ok so it's actually not that bad, but I have a feeling I'll feel this in the morning! I did my first run through of my new program today, and I have to say my trainer wasn't joking when she wrote "maximum effort" on the top of the sheet!
Suqat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Ball balance & hand lifts (this is not part of my program but I want to keep at it)
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
1 set (looking at it, I think I was meant to do 3 sets of this. Oops!)
Hex bar squat 25kg x 6
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each side (3 raisers under step)
Ball side jumps x 20
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls (arms raised) x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 12 (just re-read the sheet and I was only meant to do 6, oops)
Stability ball back extension x 12
3 sets
Body row x6
Step Opp press ups (one hand on 2 step raisers, alternating hands) x 12
Low-to-high wood chops6.25kg x 12 each side
2 sets (because my body was shaking all over and I wasn't sure I'd make a third!)
Overhead weigt tap with leg extension x 12 with 5kg
Plank 30-second hold
2 sets
So the moral of the story is, read the sheet carefully before breaking yourself on the exercises! The plan for next time is to do the whole thing, exactly as stated on the sheet. And try not to cry. I'm really impressed with myself I managed to put the hex bar away when I'd finished with it though, there were a couple of blokes in the weights area and I really didn't want to ask them for help dragging a 20kilo bar across the room!
Am going to try and do some yoga/stretching this afternoon, so that I hopefully won't be too sore tomorrow!
Ok so it's actually not that bad, but I have a feeling I'll feel this in the morning! I did my first run through of my new program today, and I have to say my trainer wasn't joking when she wrote "maximum effort" on the top of the sheet!
Suqat & arm raise x 10
Leg swings
Ball balance & hand lifts (this is not part of my program but I want to keep at it)
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe touch x 12
Ball cobra 30 second hold with external rotation x 3
1 set (looking at it, I think I was meant to do 3 sets of this. Oops!)
Hex bar squat 25kg x 6
Squat & side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each side (3 raisers under step)
Ball side jumps x 20
3 sets
Stability ball hamstring curls (arms raised) x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 12 (just re-read the sheet and I was only meant to do 6, oops)
Stability ball back extension x 12
3 sets
Body row x6
Step Opp press ups (one hand on 2 step raisers, alternating hands) x 12
Low-to-high wood chops6.25kg x 12 each side
2 sets (because my body was shaking all over and I wasn't sure I'd make a third!)
Overhead weigt tap with leg extension x 12 with 5kg
Plank 30-second hold
2 sets
So the moral of the story is, read the sheet carefully before breaking yourself on the exercises! The plan for next time is to do the whole thing, exactly as stated on the sheet. And try not to cry. I'm really impressed with myself I managed to put the hex bar away when I'd finished with it though, there were a couple of blokes in the weights area and I really didn't want to ask them for help dragging a 20kilo bar across the room!
Am going to try and do some yoga/stretching this afternoon, so that I hopefully won't be too sore tomorrow!
Sunday - weekly weigh-in
Weight: 139 pounds (63kg)
Waist: 29" (73.6cm)
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm) - half an inch off
So basically no change since last week.
In a way that's good, as I've eaten an awful lot of junk this week (especially in the last couple of days).
In another way it's shite. Why bother doing all the gym work if you can't keep your diet in check?! You can't out-train a bad diet, and I'm walking proof of that!
I'm off work this week so am planning to do more at the gym, and eat healthily. Not being sat at my desk bored all day should help with this!
On the plus side, I am getting more definition in my upper body, especially my shoulders, and am pleased with that.
Waist: 29" (73.6cm)
Hips: 35.5" (90cm)
Leg: 22" (56cm)
Arm: 11" (27.9cm)
Calf: 13.5" (34cm) - half an inch off
So basically no change since last week.
In a way that's good, as I've eaten an awful lot of junk this week (especially in the last couple of days).
In another way it's shite. Why bother doing all the gym work if you can't keep your diet in check?! You can't out-train a bad diet, and I'm walking proof of that!
I'm off work this week so am planning to do more at the gym, and eat healthily. Not being sat at my desk bored all day should help with this!
On the plus side, I am getting more definition in my upper body, especially my shoulders, and am pleased with that.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Thursday 3rd
Was sore across my shoulders this morning after yesterday's session. Am actually surprised not to be more sore if I'm honest!
So I went back to the gym to do a little cardio before work...
Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5
Stepper interval program - 7 minutes - 3 at level 6, 3 at level 7 after my trainer sneaked up behind me and increased the effort level on the machine!
Treadmill interval program - 5 minutes at level 7-8
Stability ball crunches x 12
Stability ball plank toe taps x 12
3 sets
In the evening I went back to the gym for Body Balance, which was a nice end to the day!
So I went back to the gym to do a little cardio before work...
Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5
Stepper interval program - 7 minutes - 3 at level 6, 3 at level 7 after my trainer sneaked up behind me and increased the effort level on the machine!
Treadmill interval program - 5 minutes at level 7-8
Stability ball crunches x 12
Stability ball plank toe taps x 12
3 sets
In the evening I went back to the gym for Body Balance, which was a nice end to the day!
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Wednesday 2nd
I had a PT session this morning, I wasn't sure if it would happen tho, as I knew she had been ill the last few days. So I got in early and figured I'd do some cardio until she got there, and then if she didn't get there at least I'd had a bit of a workout.
Cross Trainer 1-minute sprint intervals, 8 minutes at level 5
Stepper, interval program, 10 minutes level 6
Then my trainer turned up, and so began the pain...
It was time for a new program, as I'd been doing the old one for a while. I notived on the sheet it said "MAXIMUM EFFORT" at the top, and knew it would be a tough session!
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe taps x 12
Ball cobra 30 second holds with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squats: 25kg x 6 (OMG OUCH!)
Squat/side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each leg
Ball side jumps (jumping sideways over a ball) x 20
2 sets
Ball hamstring curls with arms extended upwards x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 6
Back extension x 20
1 set
Body row x 6
Low-to-high woodchop, 7.5kg x 6 each side
1 set
I'm meant to do 4 sets of each, but we had to cut it down as I only see her for 30 minutes. I also have another exercise to do in the last tri-set, and some abs to finish with.
Am looking forward to getting stuck into this program, the only thing that worries me is the hex bar, as it weighs 20kg without any weights on it, so getting it out and putting it away will be as much of a challenge as the exercises!
Cross Trainer 1-minute sprint intervals, 8 minutes at level 5
Stepper, interval program, 10 minutes level 6
Then my trainer turned up, and so began the pain...
It was time for a new program, as I'd been doing the old one for a while. I notived on the sheet it said "MAXIMUM EFFORT" at the top, and knew it would be a tough session!
Crunch & heel tap x 12
Ball plank toe taps x 12
Ball cobra 30 second holds with external rotation x 3
Hex bar squats: 25kg x 6 (OMG OUCH!)
Squat/side step-up with leg raise 2x8kg x 12 each leg
Ball side jumps (jumping sideways over a ball) x 20
2 sets
Ball hamstring curls with arms extended upwards x 12
Hex bar deadlifts 25kg x 6
Back extension x 20
1 set
Body row x 6
Low-to-high woodchop, 7.5kg x 6 each side
1 set
I'm meant to do 4 sets of each, but we had to cut it down as I only see her for 30 minutes. I also have another exercise to do in the last tri-set, and some abs to finish with.
Am looking forward to getting stuck into this program, the only thing that worries me is the hex bar, as it weighs 20kg without any weights on it, so getting it out and putting it away will be as much of a challenge as the exercises!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Tuesday 1st September
Start as you mean to go on. In pain and hobbling.
Gym before work this morning, and I thought, well, why not just go ahead and do my program again! Honestly, I've been doing this one to death.
Overhead squats x 10
Overhead lunges x 10 (each side)
Overhead side lunges x 10 (each side)
Ball balance with intermitent hand lifting (when I was feeling brave)
Marching Plank
Single leg bench squat 2x10kg x 12 (each side)
Sprint touch back 2x5kg x 20 (each side)
3 sets
Lunge & floor touch with scaption 2x4kg x 12 (each side)
Wall squat shoulder press 2x4kg x 12
3 sets
Reverse BOSU press up x 6
Alternating dead row 2x8kg x 20
3 sets
Plank step ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunch with arms up x 12
4 sets
I increased my weights for the Bulgarian squats and sprint touch-backs, but by the time I got to the reverse BOSU press-ups I was flagging, so I halved the sets.
I did an extra set of abs as well, as I had time to spare. I was still half an hour early for work as well!!
After work I finally managed to book in for Legs Bums & Tums. I've not done the class for ages, and the usual instructor wasn't there. In the first five minutes I was actually tempted to sneak out the door as it seemed a bit of a waste of time, but then we started doing squats with leg lifts and all sorts of painful stuff. I think I'll feel it tomorrow!
Am meant to see my PT in the morning, but she's been ill so I don't know if I will. I'll go to the gym any way as I need to keep the momentum. Am toying with the idea of Body Pump after work as well.
Gym before work this morning, and I thought, well, why not just go ahead and do my program again! Honestly, I've been doing this one to death.
Overhead squats x 10
Overhead lunges x 10 (each side)
Overhead side lunges x 10 (each side)
Ball balance with intermitent hand lifting (when I was feeling brave)
Marching Plank
Single leg bench squat 2x10kg x 12 (each side)
Sprint touch back 2x5kg x 20 (each side)
3 sets
Lunge & floor touch with scaption 2x4kg x 12 (each side)
Wall squat shoulder press 2x4kg x 12
3 sets
Reverse BOSU press up x 6
Alternating dead row 2x8kg x 20
3 sets
Plank step ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunch with arms up x 12
4 sets
I increased my weights for the Bulgarian squats and sprint touch-backs, but by the time I got to the reverse BOSU press-ups I was flagging, so I halved the sets.
I did an extra set of abs as well, as I had time to spare. I was still half an hour early for work as well!!
After work I finally managed to book in for Legs Bums & Tums. I've not done the class for ages, and the usual instructor wasn't there. In the first five minutes I was actually tempted to sneak out the door as it seemed a bit of a waste of time, but then we started doing squats with leg lifts and all sorts of painful stuff. I think I'll feel it tomorrow!
Am meant to see my PT in the morning, but she's been ill so I don't know if I will. I'll go to the gym any way as I need to keep the momentum. Am toying with the idea of Body Pump after work as well.
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