Tuesday, 24 November 2009


Day 2 of the week, day 2 of going to the gym before work...

Treadmill - 2mins sprint, 1min recovery x 3 - got up to 13km/h again, but actually nearly passed out. Oops.
Upright bike - 3 mins at 75rpm, 3 mins at 85rpm.

SB crunch x 12
Side SB x 12 each side
bicycle crunch x 12
side plank 30 seconds each side
bicycle crunch x 12

Bit of a random workout today, but I've had worse!

Monday, 23 November 2009


Today should have been my dad's birthday... I figured I'd commemorate it by actually getting up out of my pit and going to the gym before work!

After my warm-up I did the upper body section of my new program...

Stability Ball Single Arm Row 6kg x 15 each side
Stability Ball Chest Flye 2x5kg x 15
Step Press Up & Rotate x 15
Tricep Dips x 15 (first set only)
Stability ball tricep extensions 2x4kg x 15 (because the tricep dips were hurting my wrist again)
3 sets

And then for some HIIT...

Treadmill - 2min sprint, 1 min recovery x 3. Got up to 13km/h this time, though did feel a bit dizzy at the end. There is NO aircon in that place at the moment!

I also did Body Balance at lunch time, which was good but painful - as it should be!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Sunday 2009-11-22

I know I'm meant to do a weigh-in etc on a Sunday morning, and haven't for ages... Suffice to say I've put on weight and inches and everything else. What can I say, stress drives me to chocolate, and I've been exceptionally stressed recently.

I went to the gym this morning and tried out part of my new program...

Overhead Squats x 15
Overhead Static Lunges x 15 each leg
Hip Flexor stretches etc

BOSU Squat and Shoulder Press 2x3kg x 15
Single Leg Stability Ball Lunge x 15 each leg
Athletic Step-Backs, 2x3kg x 15 each leg
Ball Pull Over 8kg x 15
3 sets

Treadmill - 2 minutes fast, 1 minute recovery x 3 (got up to 13km/h this time!)

Stability Ball hyper-extended crunch x 15
Side Jacknife x 15
2 sets

I didn't stick exactly to the new program, just did the lower body circuit. I didn't really have time to do the rest as I had to get to work. I like it though, and think I could probably stand to up some of my weights - though I think I'll wait and see how sore I am in the morning!

Am hoping to go again in the morning to do the upper body circuit and some cardio before work.

I won't see my trainer now until February, so am thinking I'll alternate between the new program(s) and my most recent old one, which I enjoyed. And I'll keep doing the HIIT cardio because it's quicker, and hurts so I figure it must be doing me some good. I'll try and get around to doing weight and measurements etc at some point as well, need to get started back on sorting myself out...

Friday 2009-11-20

I had a PT session today. My trainer is pregnant and going on maternity leave, so she's given me an exercise program to last me a couple of months, until she is back...

Warm up:
Overhead squat with weighted bar
Overhead lunges with weighted bar
Leg swings
Hip flexor stretch
Wall hamstring stretch
3x15 second knee push

Circuit 1: Lower Body
BOSU Squat and Shoulder Press, 2x3kg x 15
Single Leg Stability Ball Lunge x 15 each leg
Athletic step-backs x 15 each leg
Ball Pull over 8kg x 15

Upright Bike, 6 minutes at speed over 85rpm
Treadmill, 8 minutes building up speed

Circuit 2: Upper Body
Stability Ball Single Arm Row 6kg x 15 each side
Stability Ball Chest Flye 2x5kg x 15
Step Press Up & Rotate x 15
Tricep Dips x 15

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side Plank 30 seconds each side

We did a quick run-through today, one set of each exercise and no cardio... The idea is that I can split the program and do upper body one day and lower the next, or do just one big workout.
I also have a cardio program to do all together...

Upright Bike: 14 minutes
Warm up - 3 mins at 75rpm then 3 mins at 85rpm
6 mins alternating: 1min 100rpm, 1 min 80rpm
2 mins recovery 70rpm

Treadmill - 1.6km as quickly as possible

Cross Trainer: 12 minutes
Program 3, level 5, speed over 120spm (I think program 3 is an interval one but not checked yet)

Step & Row combo:
Row 500m as quickly as possible
1 minute rest
1 minute step jump-overs (like in the last pogram)
1 minute rest
2 sets

Reclining Bike
Easy ride for 6- minutes

I have a sneaky suspicion this lady may be trying to kill me!
Still, it'll keep me occupied. Am feeling more motivated now...

Monday, 16 November 2009

Monday 2009-11-16

I've not been to the gym much this month... had lots going on and just not been in the mood.
I went back today and did Body Balance, which was nice and relaxing. Hopefully I can get back into it properly soon.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Monday 2009-11-09

I actually managed to get to the gym before work this morning, which was pretty good...

squats x 10
leg swings

MB Step jump-over x 15 (3 raisers)
BOSU alternating row 2x10kg x 12 (cable thingy was being used again)
3 sets

Treadmill 2 minute sprint, 1 minute recovery x 3 - got up to 12.5km/h. Difficult when the aircon unit above you is blowing hot air into your face!

Plate slide & push up x 12
Stability ball alternating flye 2x7kg x 12 (one set only - lat machine in use)
Single leg pull down x12 (20kg first set, then 15kg)

I skipped the rowing because I didn't have time before work.

I did go to Body Balance at lunch though, which was good. Nice and relaxing, but painful at the same time!

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Sunday 20091108

I dragged myself to the gym this morning, despite feeling a bit rubbish...

Cross trainer 1-minute sprint intervals, 6 minutes at level 5
Stepper, interval program (3) 8 minutes at level 6


Stability ball extension crunch x 12
Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side raises x 12 each side
3 sets

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Saturday 20091107

Body Pump this morning. I've not done it for ages, and felt pretty ropey but I figured I should push myself any way...

Warm up 10kg
Squats 22.5kg
Chest 10kg (and push ups)
Glutes, back & hamstrings 12.5kg
Triceps 5kg
Biceps 5kg
Lunges 10kg
Shoulders 10kg (and 2x3kg for side raises etc)
Abs 5kg

The instructor had me come out to the front to demonstrate the abs track, which meant I worked a lot harder - I'm normally shaky and sore by the time we get to the abs, and I give up on trying to hold the weight above my head. Not today though!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Friday 20091106

I had a PT appointment today. I've had a pretty horrific week, and I think my trainer could see I wasn't in the mood for a beasting.
After I'd done a warm-up of 7 minutes on the stepper, we did some TRX - first squats, then lunges pulling myself up with the TRX, then adding in a jump at the top and stuff. And then some abs stuff. It wasn't too taxing, but I felt better when I'd finished.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Tuesday 20091103

I was going to the gym this morning, but I didn't get there. I did a home workout instead...

Push up x 12
Negative chin-ups, x4 wide, x4 narrow
Body row x 12
Elbow-knee twist x 12
3 sets

Monday, 2 November 2009

Monday 2009-11-02

So after my hectic (drunk) weekend, I went back to work today. My stomach is playing up, so I've been eating badly. It's a vicious circle - I eat like crap so I feel sick, and then I feel sick and only fancy eating crap food. Which makes me feel worse. Durr.
Any way I dragged myself to Body Balance and felt a lot better afterwards.
I was due to go to Pump after work, but I felt a bit ropey, and with it being so dark in the evenings I don't want to be wandering home at 7pm because the path to where I live is a bit poorly-lit and deserted after a certain time. So I came home and did the Mel B fitness dvd which came from my Love Film subscription the other day. I know what you're thinking - another celebrity fitness dvd filled with marching on the spot and unobtainable skinny physiques. Not so! For one thing she doesn't have a trainer doing the work for her - she does all the instructing herself. And gets hot and sweaty and out of breath and generally works quite hard. You can set up what you want to do from the menu sequence at the beginning - you choose from cardio, legs, stomach and arms I think. I chose warm up, cardio, arms, stomach and cool-down. It was actually really tough and I'm fairly sure my arms and back are going to be sore tomorrow!

Am getting up in the morning to go to the gym before work, as I can't do LBT in the evening.
I think with the evenings being darker I'm going to have to stop planning to do evening classes and only do them on evenings when I can get a lift home or something. I can do mornings and lunchtimes instead, or run or do a dvd in the evenings. That Mel B one is actually pretty good, I might see about getting myself a copy of it!